- Yoga in Correctional Settings: A Randomized Controlled Study: Kerekes, Nora, Cecilia Fielding, and Susanne Apelquist, 2…
- The development and evaluation of a mindfulness-based intervention for incarcerated young men (Thesis): Byrne, Sharon, …
- A Systematic Review of Yoga Interventions in the Incarcerated Setting: Wimberly, Alexandra S., and Jia Xue, 2016
- Prison Meditation Movements and Mass Incarceration: Lyons, Thomas, and William Dustin Cantrell, 2015
- Outcomes of a Recreation Therapy Yoga Meditation Intervention on Prison Inmates' Spiritual Well-Being (Thesis): Pham, K…
- Participation in a 10-week course of yoga improves behavioral control and decreases psychological distress in a prison …
- Can Yoga Help Mitigate the Military-to-Prison Pipeline?: The Give Back Yoga Foundation
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Are there benefits to providing yoga classes in jail or prison?
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