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A collection of Green Corrections Resources from NIC

The NIC Green Corrections Initiative seeks to increase awareness among corrections professionals about environmental issues related to the practice of corrections and focus attention on the need to make correctional facilities more energy and resource efficient.

document cover for Resilience in Corrections: A Proactive Approach to Changing Conditions
Accession Number

“This white paper describes the issues facing corrections policy and leadership as the impacts of climate change and its related consequences confront departments, agencies, and facilities in coming years. Not only will corrections have to manage the effects of more extreme weather and temperatures

    document preview for Green Corrections Symposium Notes
    Accession Number

    "On November 21, 2014, the Green Corrections Symposium convened professionals from the corrections community, as well as partners including reentry professionals, energy specialists, and education and workforce development experts. During the Symposium, winners of the Green Corrections Challenge, a

      document cover for The Greening of Corrections: Creating a Sustainable System
      Accession Number

      What are viable strategies for cutting costs while protecting the public’s safety? Corrections can achieve some substantial cost savings in sustainability or greening strategies. This publication “provides correctional professionals with a framework to gain a general understanding of sustainability

        document cover for The Green Corrections Project: Action Plans and Lessons Learned
        Accession Number

        This report is a great description of the three-phase Green Corrections project, sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). The following sections comprise this publication: overview of the project; “The Greening of Corrections: Creating a Sustainable System”-the publication and its

          document preview for The Greening of Probation
          Accession Number

          The utilization of a web-based Reusable Case Management System (RCMS) by the New York City Department of Probation to send judges offender reports prior to sentencing hearings is described. Not only are considerable amounts of paper, ink, energy, etc. being saved, but the rate of on-time delivery of

            document cover for Greening Juvenile Justice
            Accession Number

            The strength of this article is in its discussion of an often forgotten part of greening a facility-the use of environmentally safe cleaning products and practices. The Alameda County Juvenile Justice Center in San Leandro, California is the green facility that has achieved LEED (Leadership in

              video preview of Sustainability in Prisons
              Accession Number

              “A look at the past, present, and future of the Sustainability in Prisons Project in Washington state commemorating the 5th anniversary of the project's inception. The project is a partnership between the Washington State Department of Corrections and the Evergreen State College.”

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