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Officer Safety (this tag is continually updated by CorrectionsOne)

The Officer Safety topic page has the specific mission of keeping COs safe through current & quality information, with tips, columnist commentary, and the latest news updates. From techniques to employ against violent inmates to alerts on growing threats against corrections officers, the Officer Safety topic page is a key resource for COs everywhere.

Be Aware, Be Smart, Be Safe: Correctional Officer Safety

Cornelius, Gary, 2020

Everyone who works inside a correctional facility can be seriously injured or killed. That is a fact. Whether it is a minimum-security facility, a halfway house, a local jail or a state or federal prison, as a sworn staff member or a civilian staff member, you enter a building every day that is unlike any other.

Correctional Officer Safety and Use of Safety Equipment in Correctional Facilities

Thorkildsen, Zoë, Emma Wohl, Lily Robin, James R. “Chip” Coldren, Jr., 2019

In partnership with the Association of State Correctional Administrators, CNA collaborated with seven facilities to gather information about officer injuries, use of safety equipment, and policies and procedures related to safety and safety equipment.

Correctional Officer Fatalities in Line of Duty During 2005 to 2015: A Survival Analysis

Liu, Weiwei and Bruce Taylor, 2018

Using correctional officer data from the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (NLEOMF) database, we describe the characteristics of U.S. correctional officers killed in line of duty in the past decade, and explore how the hazard probability changed over the life span and factors related to these changes.

How to survive your first year as a correctional officer

York, Gray, 2018

From dealing with hostile co-workers to avoiding manipulative inmates, new correctional officers face many challenges during their first few months on the job.

The prison experience for corrections staff

Vera Institute, 2018

The people who work inside prisons are largely responsible for the environment that is created behind the walls. Although corrections staff may not dictate standards and policies, they must interpret them and put them into practice. This takes its own toll. Corrections officers, who work inside these facilities for 40 or more hours per week over the course of 20 or more years are also subject to the restrictive nature of prison and the negative effects that has on mental health.

Correctional Officer Safety and Wellness Literature Synthesis

Ferdik, Frank Valentine, 2017

Recent scholarship has suggested that COs work under dangerous conditions that can threaten their general safety and wellness. Following several legislative reforms that started in the 1970s and included “get tough on crime” policies such as mandatory minimum sentences and habitual offender laws (Mackenzie, 2001), correctional institutions experienced dramatic changes in the composition of the inmate population.

Battling Job Stress: Correctional Officers Can Strengthen Their Resilience

Olson, Althea, and Mike Wasilewki, 2017

One of the most important factors necessary for good mental health is resilience.

Working in a Prison Environment: How Safe Are the Prison Workers?

Nwidag, Barisua Ernest, Mark O. Afolabi, and Solomon Joseph Okwendi, 2015

It is near impossible to work in a stressful environment such as a prison without suffering ill effects. The S C Times reports that prison guards encounter greater hardships than police officers. Problems can include higher levels of heart attack, ulcers and high blood pressure.

The Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict, Correctional Officer Job Stress, and Job Satisfaction

Armstrong, Gaylene S., Cassandra A. Atkin-Plunk, and Jessica Wells, 2015

Balancing demands between work and family domains can strain even the most resourceful employee. When the tipping point of conflict between the two is reached, a negative impact on employee well-being can result. Within correctional environments, the psychosocial well-being of officers is critical given the potentially significant impact of having a “bad day on the job.” This study examines work-family conflict as it relates to job stress and job satisfaction within a diverse sample of correctional officers

The Corrections Profession: Maintaining Safety and Sanity, Part 2 [Webinar]

Spinaris, Caterina, Mike Denhof, and Greg Morton, Desert Waters Correctional Outreach (DWCO), National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Academy, 2014

Document ID: 027908

The webinar will describe a process model developed and modified over several years by DWCO [Desert Waters Correctional Outreach], entitled “From Corrections Fatigue to Fulfillment™.” Once Corrections Fatigue manifests, it can promote toxic adaptations to work demands, consequently undermining job performance, employee morale, health, personal and professional relationships, and employee retention.”

Bureau of Prisons: Evaluating the Impact of Protective Equipment Could Help Enhance Officer Safety

United States Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, 2011

Document ID: 025034

GAO examined the (1) equipment that BOP and selected state departments of corrections (DOC) provide to protect officers, and the officers' and other correctional practitioners' opinions of this equipment; (2) extent to which BOP has evaluated the effectiveness of this equipment, and factors correctional equipment experts consider important to the acquisition of new equipment; and (3) institutional factors correctional accrediting experts reported as impacting officer safety, and the extent to which BOP has evaluated the effectiveness of the steps it has taken in response.