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2022 NIC State Statistics

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This data represents the national averages for all data for the year 2022.

Why is 2022 the latest information?

2022 is the latest year's data reported from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and FBI. Typically the data provided by these agencies is 1-2 years behind the current year.

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About Budgets and Employees

Please note that there is no standardized guidelines for reporting budgetary and employee information. While some DOC's are very open with their data, other states and agencies are still on the path to more plainly laying out their agency information. The information here is what our agency was able to gather based on the information available at the time it was released. 

Prison Budget

Employee Positions

About "Rate" Statistics

Each of these three statistics is based on a "rate" of x per 100,000 people. So, if you see "503" on a chart, that should be read as "503 people per 100,000 people."

Incarceration Rate

Violent Crime Rate

Property Crime Rate

Number of State Prison Facilities

Number of Jail Facilities

Jail Population



Parole Population

  • Updated: