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Corrections Statistical Analysis Tool (CSAT)-Prisoners

“This dynamic analysis tool allows you to examine National Prisoner Statistics (NPS) on inmates under the jurisdiction of both federal and state correctional authorities ... The pre-set Quick Tables show you trends in prisoner statistics and provide links to key tables in the most recent BJS publication on the U.S. prisoner population. If you would like more detail, use the Custom Tables to analyze yearend populations, admissions, or releases. You can create custom tables of yearend populations by the number of inmates in custody or under legal jurisdiction, those held in the custody of private facilities and local jails, the imprisonment rate of prisoners sentenced to more than 1 year, and noncitizens and juveniles in prison. You can customize tables of prison admissions or releases by many variables. All custom tables can be analyzed further by the prisoner’s sex.” Access is provided to: User's Manual; quick tables; custom tables; methodology; definitions; supporting documents; and FAQs.

document cover for Corrections Statistical Analysis Tool (CSAT)-Prisoners
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