The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) and other "changes in law and policy have created new expectations of juvenile justice personnel. Implementation of these new requirements, however, varies widely across the country and has created a demand for clear professional guidance. This practice guide is a response to that demand and: provides an overview of key concepts and terminology related to SOGIE; summarizes the research on the effect of stigma and bias on the health and well-being of LGBT youth, the drivers contributing to their disproportionate involvement in the justice system and the harmful and unfair practices to which they are subjected in the system; identifies policies and procedures to prohibit discrimination, prevent harm and promote fair and equitable treatment of LGBT youth who are arrested and referred to juvenile justice agencies; and provides guidance on policies and practices required to ensure the safety and well-being of LGBT youth in detention facilities" (p. 5). Sections contained in this practice guide include: introduction-lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in the United States, and the purpose of this publication; understanding sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE); profile of LGBT youth in the juvenile justice system; creating a fair, inclusive, and respectful organizational culture; and detention standards regarding equal and respectful treatment, safety, privacy and dignity, and qualified medical and behavioral health care.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
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52 pages
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Computer Only