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Preparing for the New Parole Revocation Process

Agencies looking for help in implementing the new parole revocation process on July 1, 2013 need to refer to this website. “On Tuesday, March 19, 2013, the Partnership for Community Excellence (PCE) held a forum: Preparing for the New Parole Revocation Process. A diverse group of experts presented information and perspectives about the new revocation process, which will take effect on July 1, 2013 ... The goal of the forum was to identify key issues regarding the transition and potential ways to address them. The group identified the following broad categories of issues as top priorities to support successful implementation of the new process: Promoting greater collaboration among public safety stakeholders; Fostering ways for probation, parole, and the courts to learn from each other; Ensuring victims’ rights are protected; Bringing district attorneys, public defenders and law enforcement together to advocate in siting new programs for offenders; [and] Promoting the use of evidence-based practices.”

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