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Safe & Respected: Policy, Best Practices & Guidance for Serving Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Children and Youth in the Child Welfare, Detention, and Juvenile Justice Systems

You should be familiar with this report if you work with transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) youth. This guide "offers child welfare and juvenile justice practitioners concrete guidance, strategies for success, and resources that will enable staff to meet the specific needs of TGNC children and youth. The guide features an overview of the barriers that TGNC children and youth face in foster care and juvenile detention, a glossary of terms, an overview of affirming resources, policies, and best practices especially meaningful to staff to help affirm and support TGNC young people." 

Twenty-three focus areas comprise this publication. Topics discussed range from children's services non-discrimination policies and commitment to respective care to preferred name , pronouns, and identity language to medical transition to staff cultural competency training, to name a few. Appendixes include how to respectively ask identity questions, and a glossary.