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DC Public Safety Radio Show

  • Youthful Offenders - DC Public Safety Television

    If your organization is looking for strategies to meet the needs of youthful offenders, you need to watch this video. It provides a wealth of information about this vulnerable population in a concise amount of time. “The program provides an overview of CSOSA’s [Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency’s] young adult efforts based on national best practice standards.

    The program will discuss:

    • The findings of national best practice research;

    • How CSOSA chooses youthful high risk adult offenders based on risk instruments with a focus on violence, weapons, sex offenses, drug use and previous violations while under community supervision;

    • CSOSA efforts to focus on the treatment of young adults and CSOSA efforts to focus on the supervision of young adults.”

  • The Green Corrections Challenge-National Institute of Corrections [Podcast]

    This program "addressed Green Corrections and the Green Corrections Challenge; an effort to document what agencies are doing to support environmental improvements within correctional facilities". This endeavor is funded by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC).

  • Religion in Corrections - National Institute of Corrections

    "This program delves into religion in corrections, a topic garnering significant attention in the legal sphere. Our guest, Ronald G. Turner, renowned for his role as lead consultant on this subject for the National Institute of Corrections and various organizations, offers insights. He navigates the delicate balance between myth and reality in religious programming, addressing concerns of chaplains and religious directors regarding facility safety, security, and inmates' First Amendment rights. The discussion encompasses legal considerations, evolving trends in religious programming, and the budgetary impact of religious accommodation. Providing a comprehensive overview, the show offers valuable insights into the complexities of managing religion in corrections."

  • The Growth of Veterans Treatment Courts [Podcast]

    Veterans Treatment Courts are one of the fastest growing criminal justice programs in the United States. Since 9/11, more than 2.5 million Americans have served our country in uniform. Many of them have deployed several times, and upon returning home, they struggle not only with the physical wounds of war but also its “invisible” wounds: post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Since the inception of the first Veterans Treatment Court by Judge Robert Russell in Buffalo, NY, in 2008, there are now more than 300 veterans treatment courts across the country.

    These courts account for veterans’ military service and provide diversion and treatment alternatives specific to their needs. The development of a screening tool specific to veterans is now underway through a partnership between the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), and the Center for Court Innovation (CCI). The assessment tool factors in the latest research on trauma and will support an accompanying case planning protocol. This Veterans Treatment Court Enhancement Initiative is a three-year project that will include implementing the tool and protocol in two pilot sites. The pilot site solicitation opportunity will be released in November 2015.