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National Institute Of Corrections (NIC) Academy (Aurora CO)

  • Bridging the Gap: Winning Administration's Support for Training

    Designed specifically for correctional trainers from all areas of corrections, this twenty-four-hour seminar instructs participants in the developm

  • Marketing Strategies for Inmate Programs: A Succinct Review

    This document provides a succinct review of marketing strategies for inmate programs.

  • A Review of the Jail Function Within State Unified Corrections Systems

    A state unified system is one in which there is an integrated state-level prison and jail system.

  • Managing Conflict in the Workplace [Satellite/Internet Broadcast on April 7, 1999]

    Among the more difficult challenges existing within personnel management is conflict resolution.

  • Group Facilitation Skills for Trainers

    This 16-hour course explores the skills needed in leading group participants to achieve specific learning goals.

  • Emergency Preparedness Assessment Resource Supplements

    Supplemental resources for the training program "Emergency Preparedness Assessment" (NIC accession no. 006995) are presented.

  • Facilitation Skills for Offender Groups: Training Curriculum Package

    Designed for counselors or other staff who run offender groups, this 16-hour course addresses group process strategies.

  • Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders [Videoconference Held December 12, 2001]

    The development of sound agency practices to address sexual misconduct among staff and offenders is discussed during this 3-hour videoconference.

  • Restorative Justice: Principles, Practices, and Implementation (Training Broadcast)

    An introduction to restorative justice concepts, principles, and values is provided during this 32-hour distance learning program.

  • Jail Inmates with Mental Illness: A Community Problem [Videoconference Held April 17, 2002]

    This videoconference addresses issues faced by jails that must deal with increasing numbers of inmates with serious mental illnesses.

  • NIC Broadcast: Mental Illness in Jails Q & A

    Questions and answers regarding the following topics are provided: deferred prosecution, recidivism, isolation, cost concerns, coordinated efforts,

  • Designing Learner Centered Instruction

    A seven-step process for developing and designing a training program according to the ITIP (instructional theory into practice) format is described

  • Developing "Coaches" for New Wardens [Participant's Manual]

    Training and practical experience in the techniques and skills of Co-Active coaching as the foundation of a leadership culture are provided during

  • Exploring the Dynamics & Principles of Effective Leadership [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]; Leadership Curriculum

    A leadership curriculum package that provides "a quickie look at the work of a leader and how best to do it" is presented.

  • Building New Employee Success with an Effective Field Training Officer (FTO) Program [Videoconference Held August 20, 2003]

    This program explores the development of a formal new employee on-the-job (OTJ) program based on a corrections-specific FTO model.

  • Effective Retraining: Fun, Focused, Fresh! [Participant's Manual]

    The need for and process of retraining in an organization are discussed during this 3-hour workshop.

  • Building Leadership Development Systems in Juvenile Justice Agencies [Participant's Manual]

    The development and implementation of an in-house leadership and management development system (within existing agency parameters) are discussed du

  • Classification of High-Risk Offenders [Videoconference Held September 1, 2004]

    Prison systems experience continued pressure to house offenders in the most appropriate setting possible.

  • Facility Development: Needs Assessment & Pre-Design Planning RFP Checklist [and] Planning & Design RFQ and RFP Checklist

    In this compilation of three documents, critical elements to include in a needs assessment and planning services RFP and an architectural planning

  • A Town Hall Meeting - Addressing the Prison Rape Elimination Act [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]

    This 2-hour program in a town hall format was broadcast live from the American Correctional Association's Winter Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on

  • Strategies for Building Effective Work Teams [Participant's Manual]

    Strategies for developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating work teams within a work unit or agencywide are covered during this 36-hour progr

  • FutureForce: Building a 21st Century Community Corrections Workforce [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held August 3, 2005]

    This program focuses on the changing and expanding roles of probation, parole, and community corrections officers.

  • Critical Elements of Re-Entry/Continuing Care Systems [Participant's Manual]

    "Using a three-phase process [during this 36-hour course] to plan, create, and evaluate reentry/continuing care systems, participant teams plan way

  • Meeting the Needs of Female Juvenile Offenders [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]

    This 38-hour course is designed to help juvenile justice agencies evaluate and respond to the needs of juvenile female offenders in their specific

  • Executive Training for Newly Appointed Juvenile Facility Directors [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]

    This 36-hour training program targets skills needed to effectively lead a juvenile corrections or detention facility.

  • Releasing Inmates from Prisons: Profiles of State Practices

    "This report provides a profile of each state's corrections systems and the agencies and processes involved in planning for and releasing inmates f

  • Juvenile Female Offenders: How Do You Meet Their Needs In Your Juvenile Justice Setting? [Participant's Manual]

    Meeting the needs of juvenile female offenders is discussed during this 1.5-hour training session.

  • Large Jail Network Meeting, July 9-11, 2006, Longmont, Colorado Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting

    Contents of these proceedings are: meeting highlights; "Open Forum: Hot Topics for Discussion"; "Understanding Culture: The Root of It All" by Caro

  • The Facilitator's Guide

    Strategies for effective facilitation are provided.

  • PMR: Public and Media Relations: Gaining Confidence and Competence

    This two-hour DVD training course presents techniques for interacting effectively with the public and press.

  • Pretrial Justice: Principles and Practices

    This two-hour program discusses strategies for developing an effective pretrial process (e.g., arrest, interview, risk assessment and recommendatio

  • Corrections Budgets in Free Fall: Finding Opportunities in Turbulent Times [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held on April 15, 2009]

    Budget reductions don’t discriminate. Correctional agencies are being hit hard in these tough economic times with no relief from mandates.

  • Gender Responsive Classification Instruments for Women Offenders: What Do They Look Like and How Will They Improve Practice? [Lesson Plan]

    This two-hour training session is for correctional managers wanting to implement risk and needs assessments for adult female offenders.

  • Hitting the Wall: Dealing with Stress in Corrections [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]

    Issues surrounding stress in a correctional setting, like the effects, sources, and symptoms of stress, burnout, and coping strategies, are covered

  • Workplace Learning Annotated Bibliography

    The use of workplace learning in “building your organization into a dynamic and flexible one, capable of meeting contemporary challenges” is addres

  • Reduce Costs, Lower Risks, Enhance Healthcare Services: The Promise of Effective Pharmaceutical Management [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]

    As jurisdictions across the nation attempt to do more with less, the effects of pharmacy management today will have long lasting and costly effects

  • The Six Moving Parts of Correctional Training Effectiveness

    The "concept of 'The Six Moving Parts of Correctional Employee Training,' a model for integrating strategy into the organization's approach to trai

  • Corrections Learning and Performance: A Vision for the 21st Century

    Anyone involved or interested in the future of learning and performance in corrections should read this publication.

  • Competency Profile of a Regional Field Coordinator

    Regional field coordinators serve as liaisons to the National Institute of Corrections and are responsible for initiating, coordinating, and dissem

  • The Corrections Profession: Maintaining Safety and Sanity, Part 1

    This program is the first of a two-part webinar, and covers the physical and emotional challenges faced by correctional personnel.

  • Forty Forward: Learning and Performance Symposium 2014 Participant's Manual and Proceedings

    This material is from the inaugural Learning and Performance Symposium.

  • Correctional Trainer

    This DACUM Profile is for a Correctional Trainer.