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The Sentencing Project (Washington DC)

  • Back on Track: Supporting Youth Reentry from Out-of-Home Placement to the Community

    “Public safety is compromised when youth leaving out-of-home placements are not afforded necessary supportive services upon reentering their commun

  • Children in Harm's Way: Criminal Justice, Immigration Enforcement, and Child Welfare

    “The articles in this collection provide a multifaceted look at some of the problems that potentially arise for children when the criminal justice,

  • The Changing Racial Dynamics of Women's Incarceration

    “Scholars are beginning to analyze the relative contributions of changes in crime rates, criminal justice policies, economics, and demographics to

  • Parents in State Prisons

    “Today, the parents of 1 in every 50 children in the United States are in prison.

  • International Growth Trends in Prison Privatization

    While “privatization has enjoyed a steady reemergence in the United States, the companies managing these facilities have faced persistent criticism

  • Report of The Sentencing Project to the United Nations Human Rights Committee: Regarding Racial Disparities in the United States Criminal Justice System

    “This report chronicles the racial disparity that permeates every stage of the United States criminal justice system, from arrest to trial to sente

  • Trends in U.S. Corrections

    This is a great set of charts showing various correctional trends. Charts show: U.S.

  • Fewer Prisoners, Less Crime: A Tale of Three States

    "Although the pace of criminal justice reform has accelerated at both the federal and state levels in the past decade, current initiatives have had

  • Race and Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime and Support for Punitive Policies

    "To guide and give greater momentum to recent calls for reform, this report examines a key driving force of criminal justice outcomes: racial perce

  • Disproportionate Minority Contact in the Juvenile Justice System

    "Despite positive trends regarding juvenile interactions with the justice system, racial disparities remain as a persistent problem.

  • Incorporating Racial Equality Into Criminal Justice Reform

    "There are few areas of American society where racial disparities are as profound and as troubling as in the criminal justice system.

  • U.S. Prison Population Trends: Broad Variation Among States in Recent Years

    "This fact sheet reveals broad variation in nationwide incarceration trends up through 2013.

  • Declines in Youth Communities and Facilities in the 21st Century

    "A major reduction has taken place in the number of teenagers committed to juvenile facilities in this century.