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Urban Institute (Washington DC)

  • The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative

    The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative is described.

  • From the Classroom to the Community: Exploring the Role of Education during Incarceration and Reentry

    This monograph examines the “current state of education during education and reentry and identifie[s] promising programmatic and policy directions”

  • The Role of Screening and Assessment in Jail Reentry

    “Consistent with effective correctional practice, jails and their community partners should identify risk levels and criminogenic needs of returnin

  • Case Management Strategies for Successful Jail Reentry

    This brief explains why “it is imperative that jurisdictions use an effective case management process that includes a strong community handoff comp

  • Process and Systems Change Evaluation Findings from the Transition to Jail Community Initiative

    “In the past decade, attention to the challenges associated with people exiting state and federal prisons has increased tremendously.

  • Reinventing the Criminal Justice System--Justice Reinvestment

    The program interviews Dr. Nancy G. La Vigne, Director of the Justice Policy Center at The Urban Institute, regarding Justice Reinvestment.

  • Opportunities for Cost Savings in Corrections Without Sacrificing Service Quality: Inmate Health Care

    “This report lays out ways that departments of corrections can consider to reduce inmate medical costs without affecting high standards for inmate

  • Opportunities for Information Sharing to Enhance Health and Public Safety Outcomes: A Report by the Criminal Justice and Health Collaboration Project, Version 1

    “This report was designed as a resource for the justice and health fields to: Identify the full range of beneficial information exchanges between t

  • The Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Experiences from the States

    “This brief summarizes the efforts of states involved in the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI), a program designed to identify and implement co

  • A Statewide Evaluation of New York’s Adult Drug Courts: Identifying Which Policies Work Best

    This study documented the positive impact of drug courts in New York on re-arrest and re-conviction both.

  • Stemming the Tide: Strategies to Reduce the Growth and Cut the Cost of the Federal Prison System

    “The federal prison population has risen dramatically over the past few decades, as more people are sentenced to prison and for longer terms.

  • Justice Reinvestment Initiative State Assessment Report

    “States across the country are increasingly seeking cost-effective and evidence-based strategies to enhance public safety and manage their correcti

  • The Choice is Yours: Early Implementation of a Diversion Program for Felony Offenders

    “In an effort to introduce approaches that reduce both recidivism and court costs, Philadelphia District Attorney (DA) Seth Williams spearheaded th

  • Improving Recidivism as a Performance Measure

    "Performance measurement-establishing metrics for success and assessing results-is a crucial first step in making informed decisions in all areas o

  • Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Probation Revocation: Summary Findings and Implications from a Multisite Study

    "Racial and ethnic disparity is pervasive in the American criminal justice system.

  • Evaluation of the Allegheny County Jail Collaborative Reentry Programs: Findings and Recommendations

    "This study evaluates two of Allegheny County (PA)’s programs to improve the successful reintegration of jail inmates following their return to the

  • Pay for Success

    “A new way to fund what works by bringing communities together to scale what works, pay for success can help improve the lives of people in need ..

  • Surviving the Streets of New York: Experiences of LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Engaged in Survival Sex

    This is "the first study to focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning (LGBTQ) youth; young men who have sex with men (

  • Evaluation of Phase II Technical Assistance for Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Local Criminal Justice Systems

    "This report describes the EBDM [Evidence-Based Decision-Making] Phase II technical assistance approach and presents findings and themes from the p

  • The Processing and Treatment of Mentally Ill Persons in the Criminal Justice System: A Scan of Practice and Background Analysis

    This "background analysis examines how individuals with mental illness are processed and treated in the criminal justice system and discusses the i

  • The Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Thinking Local for State Justice Reinvestment

    "Local governments across the U.S. are striving to improve public safety and optimize criminal justice investments ...

  • Why do rates of sexual assault prevalence vary from report to report?

    "All crime data have flaws, but sexual assault data are notoriously inaccurate. Why are these data so problematic?

  • Prison Inmates' Prerelease Application for Medicaid: Take-up Rates in Oregon

    "People leaving prison often return to the community lacking health insurance and thus access to appropriate health care.

  • Locked In: Interactions with the Criminal Justice and Child Welfare Systems for LGBTQ Youth, YMSM, and YWSW Who Engage in Survival Sex

    This report focuses on LGBTQ [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning] youth who become involved in the commercial sex market

  • Drug Offenders in Federal Prisons: Estimates of Characteristics Based on Linked Data

    This Special Report presents "a description of drug offenders in federal prison, including criminal history, demographics, gun involvement in the o

  • Toolkit for Developing Family-Focused Jail Programs

    "Through no fault of their own, millions of children have been exposed to and affected by the criminal justice system by witnessing their parent be

  • Arts Infusion Initiative, 2010-15: Evaluation Report

    "In 2010, an ambitious model for social change emerged in Chicago that aimed to connect detained youth and those at risk for incarceration (“at-ris

  • Who Gets Time for Federal Drug Offenses? Data Trends and Opportunities for Reform

    "Almost half of the 195,809 federally sentenced individuals in the Bureau of Prisons are serving time for drug trafficking offenses, but little is

  • The Prison Population Forecaster//State Prison Population: Reducing Mass Incarceration Requires Far-Reaching Reforms

    "Roughly 2.2 million people are locked up in prison or jail; 7 million are under correctional control, which includes parole and probation; and mor

  • The Prison Population Forecaster // Federal Prison Population: How to reduce the federal prison population

    "The federal prison system is by far the nation’s single largest jailer, with a total of 205,795 inmates at the beginning of October 2015.

  • Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative Phase 2 Site Reports

    "TJC [Transition from Jail to Community] represents an integrated approach spanning organizational boundaries to deliver needed information, servic

  • Replication Validation of the Employment Retention Inventory: An Assessment Tool of the National Institute of Corrections

    This report summarizes findings from the Urban Institute’s replication validation of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Employment Retenti