Ford Foundation (New York NY)
A Roadmap for Change: Federal Policy Recommendations for Addressing the Criminalization of LGBT People and People Living with HIV
"This document outlines a range of policy solutions that would go a long way towards addressing discriminatory and abusive policing practices, impr
Gender Nonconforming Youth: Discipline Disparities, School Push-Out, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
This report provides an excellent explanation of why some gender nonconforming youth end up involved with the juvenile justice system.
LGBTQ Youth of Color: Discipline Disparities, School Push-Out, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
This is an excellent report about an issue that is little known-the involvement of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioni
Sam Survives [Graphic Novel]
This publication is an excellent graphic novel for male youthful inmates, those under 18 years of age, which provides them vital information about
Why Did the U.S. Lock Up these Women with Men? A Fusion Investigation
"The United States has long been a haven for those fleeing persecution and oppression.