NIC Core Goals
Our commitment to each other and those we serve
Develop People
Strengthen Processes and Operations
Integrate Systems and Policies
Pursue Excellence
NIC's Mission is...
To advance public safety by shaping and enhancing correctional policies and practices through leadership, learning, and innovation.
In our work, NIC defines character as the way an individual thinks, feels, and behaves; a set of qualities that are shared by many people in a group, organization, network, system, or country; and a set of qualities that make a place or thing distinctive. Character is an underlying theme in each of our four strategic goals; and it is directly related to how we develop, impart, and practice leadership – a focal area of our mission.
Competence is core to all that NIC does. We view competence as a collection of related abilities, knowledge, and skills that enable a person, organization or system to perform something successfully and efficiently. Competence is integral to NIC’s mission, particularly in the focal area of learning. As described in Strategic Goals 1 and 2, NIC directly contributes to increasing the competence of corrections professionals and organizations so that they may be more successful and achieve reliable results. For Goal 3, helping the continuum gain competence in building, working within, and sustaining effective systems is paramount to achieving our vision.
Commitment is what transforms the promises of our strategies into reality and results. While there are many definitions of the term commitment, NIC subscribes to the perspective that commitment is about the sustained willingness of individuals, groups, and organizations to dedicate their time and energy to a belief, cause, or desired future.
Strategic Goals
A safe, healthy, and high-performing corrections workforce.
Strengthen a culture of learning among all corrections professionals.
Mitigate and reduce harms to corrections professionals related to physical hazards, mental and emotional stress, and safety threats in the corrections work environment.
Increase leadership competencies at all levels of corrections professionals
An effectively managed corrections system of community corrections, pre-trial, jail, prisons, and community service agencies.
Improve management and operations of the corrections continuum within corrections agencies.
Facilitate strategic partnerships among corrections agencies and key stakeholders.
Relevant, research-informed policies, goals, and standards across the corrections curriculum.
Establish and foster shared values across the corrections continuum.
Increase system approaches and consistency in corrections policies, procedures and processes.
Increase adoption of research-informed policies on emerging issues and trends to improve the corrections.
A healthy, innovative learning organization
Enrich and sustain NIC Staff well-being, development, and performance.
Create a Model Work Environment.
Strengthen planning and innovation.
Strengthen stewardship of NIC financial resources.
Secure a robust and efficient 21st-century technological work environment.
Plan and deploy a comprehensive NIC public information dissemination system.