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Crime rate

  • Environmental Scan 2011

    “Beginning in the late 1990’s, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Information Center began scanning social, economic and corrections issue
  • States Cut Both Crime and Imprisonment

    This infographic is an excellent visual representation of the relationship between crime and incarceration.
  • Fewer Prisoners, Less Crime: A Tale of Three States

    "Although the pace of criminal justice reform has accelerated at both the federal and state levels in the past decade, current initiatives have had
  • Most States Cut Imprisonment and Crime

    This is an excellent infographic showing how reductions in incarceration lead to decreases in crime.
  • What Caused the Crime Decline?

    This report "examines one of the nation’s least understood recent phenomena - the dramatic decline in crime nationwide over the past two decades -
  • There is no content associated with this term at this time.