Criminal justice surveys
Results of Data Analysis: NIC Needs Assessment on Correctional Management and Executive Leadership Development
Demographics, turnover, and leadership development for four levels of correctional management (e.g., executive leaders, senior leaders, managers, a
Issues in Jail Operations, 2003: Perspectives from State Jail Inspection Agencies
"[A]reas in which jails tend to be deficient, suggesting the need for new or revised forms of NIC assistance" are identified (p.2).
Performance Audit of Pennsylvania Correctional Industries of the Department of Corrections
The effectiveness of Pennsylvania Correctional Industries (PCI), a state-run prison business, in planning efforts and managing operations is assess
Results of the Offender Workforce Development Specialist Post-Training Survey
Results from a "post-training survey to assess the usability of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the course [Offender Workforce Development
Interstate Transfer of Prison Inmates in the United States
Results are presented from an investigation into the manner in which prison inmates are transferred between correctional authorities and the reason
Fifty-State Survey of Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody
This document provides information regarding enacting state, statute number, statute title, coverage, definition and notes, penalties, and defenses
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Summary of Responses from Juvenile Focus Group on Staff Sexual Misconduct and Youth on Youth Sexual Assault
Responses to thirteen questions regarding curriculum related to staff sexual misconduct with youth and youth on youth sexual assault are provided.
50 State Survey on Sex Offender Registry
Results from a survey on sex offenders registry are provided. Questions asked are:
Fifty State Survey of Mandatory Reporting Statutes
Mandatory reporting state statutes regarding the sexual abuse of children are compiled and reported.
Fifty State Survey of Vulnerable Persons Statutes
This document provides information regarding enacting state, statute number, statute title, coverage, definitions and notes, penalties, and applica
An Unsupported Population: The Treatment of Women in Texas’ Criminal Justice System (2018)
In March, The Texas Criminal Justice Coalition released a report, A Growing Population: The Surge of Women into Texas’ Criminal Justice System, whi