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Cost effectiveness

  • Cost Effective In-Service Training Alternatives for Small Jails

    "This Training Resource Package recommends several cost-effective methods of providing in-service training for existing staff (p.3)." Sections of t
  • WSIPP's Benefit-Cost Tool for States: Examining Policy Options in Sentencing and Corrections

    The development and implementation of an analytical tool that helps states determine which evidence-based practices are most cost effective in prev
  • Criminal Justice Uniform Cost Report: Fiscal Years 2010 to 2012

    Cost per day information for various adult and juvenile correctional populations is determined.
  • Reinventing the Criminal Justice System--Justice Reinvestment

    The program interviews Dr. Nancy G. La Vigne, Director of the Justice Policy Center at The Urban Institute, regarding Justice Reinvestment.
  • Opportunities for Cost Savings in Corrections Without Sacrificing Service Quality: Inmate Health Care

    “This report lays out ways that departments of corrections can consider to reduce inmate medical costs without affecting high standards for inmate
  • A Guide to Calculating Justice-System Marginal Costs

    "Any economic study of a justice-related investment needs to use the right cost information in its calculations.
  • Building Cost-Benefit Analysis Capacity in Criminal Justice: Notes from a Roundtable Discussion

    “Interest in using cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to help in criminal justice policymaking and planning has grown in recent years as state and local b
  • Lessons from the States: Reducing Recidivism and Curbing Corrections Costs Through Justice Reinvestment

    “Declining state revenues and other fiscal factors are putting a serious strain on many states’ criminal justice systems, often putting concerns ab
  • How to Calculate the Average Costs of Detaining a Youth

    “This toolkit demonstrates how to calculate the average costs of housing a youth in detention.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Criminal Justice Reforms

    This article examines the major considerations to be taken when performing a cost-benefit analysis (CBA).
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