Juvenile justice
Training Services for Juvenile Corrections and Detention Practitioners
Prison Health Care: Youthful Offenders Sentenced as Adults [Lesson Plans]
Effective Retraining: Fun, Focused, Fresh! [Participant's Manual]
Building Leadership Development Systems in Juvenile Justice Agencies [Participant's Manual]
Training Programs for Juvenile Corrections Professionals, June 1, 2004 - May 31, 2005
Summary Report: Regional Workshops
Critical Elements of Re-Entry/Continuing Care Systems [Participant's Manual]
Meeting the Needs of Female Juvenile Offenders [Lesson Plan and Participant's Manual]
Keeping Our Kids Safe: The Prison Rape Elimination Act and Juvenile Justice: A Guide for Juvenile Justice Administrators
Recognizing and Addressing Sexual Abuse, Assault Prevention and Intervention Issues In Your Juvenile Justice Setting: A Companion Workshop to the Overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) [Participant's Manual]
Mental Health and the Juvenile Justice System: Issues Related to Treatment and Rehabilitation (2017)
Children and youth with mental health issues and learning difficulties are common in the juvenile justice system and finding ways to effectively re
Effectively Implementing Family Engagement and Involvement Practices for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System [Webinar] (2017)
This webinar highlights strategies, tools, examples, and best-practice models from across the country that juvenile justice agency managers, staff,
Effectively Implementing Evidence Based Programs and Services for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System [Webinar] (2017)
This webinar highlights strategies, tools, examples, and best-practice models from across the country that juvenile justice agency managers, staff,
Effectiveness of Restorative Justice Principles in Juvenile Justice: A Meta-Analysis (2017)
The objective of this study was to systematically review and statistically synthesize all available research that, at a minimum, compared participa
California Won’t Jail Children for Being Poor. Will Other States Follow? (2017)
Bala, Nila
Newsweek, U.S. Edition 12/30/17 at 6:00 AM
Principles of Effective Juvenile Justice Policy (2017)
The issues addressed by the work group reflect the important role of state legislatures in enacting policies that avoid unnecessary involvement of
New Mexico Juvenile Justice Tribal Notification Policy Research Project: Final Report (2015)
The tribal notification provision for Native youth entering the state juvenile justice system, unique to the State of New Mexico, has been identifi
Untangling the Web: Juvenile Justice in Indian Country (2016)
This Article provides a thorough description and diagnosis of the reasons that the Indian country juvenile justice system continues to fail Native
Factors Related to Recidivism for Youthful Offenders (2013)
Little is known about youth who were previously placed in a detention facility and what factors predict a subsequent recidivism to placement.
Reducing Recidivism and Improving Other Outcomes for Young Adults in the Juvenile and Adult Criminal Justice Systems (2015)
This brief, from the CSG Justice Center, is designed to help state and local officials better support young adults in the justice system.
Community-Based Responses to Justice-Involved Young Adults (2015)
In this paper, [the authors] propose a different kind of criminal justice for young men and women.
Improving Approaches to Serving Young Adults in the Justice System (2016)
The key theme that emerged from JPI’s convening of stakeholders to discuss better ways of working with young adults, is that if a more effective an
Dos and Don’ts for Reducing Recidivism Among Young Adults in the Justice System (2017)
This resource presents a concrete list of dos and don’ts that policymakers and justice system leaders can use to guide policy and practice changes
Programs and Legislation Targeting Justice-Involved Young Adults (2016)
This website provides access to the report and webinar, both entitled, "Environmental Scan of Criminal Justice Responses to Justice-Involved Young
Youthful Offenders in the Federal System (2017)
Although youthful offenders account for about 18 percent of all federal offenders sentenced between fiscal years 2010 and 2015, there is little cur
‘Juvenile Lifers’ Prepare For Life Outside Of Prison With Virtual Reality (2018)
Ackerman, Mark, and Dillon Thomas
Canon City, Colo. (CBS4)
Do Juveniles Understand Their Rights? Maybe Not (2018)
Nzeka, Gloria
Capital News Service January 26, 2018
The Sustainability of Juvenile Programs beyond Second Chance Act Funding: The Case of Two Grantees (2016)
This brief discusses how the implementation and sustainability of Second Chance Act programs for juveniles were affected by the changing policy con
Understanding Research and Practice Gaps in Juvenile Justice Early Insights: Early Insights from the Bridge Project (2016)
Most juvenile justice practitioners are aware of the value of research and evidence-based practices, but few resources exist to help them apply res
Bridging Research and Practice for Juvenile Justice: Systematizing the Approach (2016)
Translating research into practice requires a systematic approach grounded in implementation science and input from practitioners.
Implementing the Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol to Rate Juvenile Justice Programs Lessons from OJJDP’s Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Initiative (2016)
The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP) is a system that rates the potential for therapeutic services to reduce recidivism among youth,
Implementation and Sustainability of Juvenile Reentry Programs in Second Chance Act Sites: Evaluation Sites in Oklahoma and Virginia (2017)
Delivering reentry services to youth proves challenging.
Strategies for Reducing Criminal and Juvenile Justice Involvement: Building Ladders of Opportunity for Young People in the Great Lakes States, Brief 4 (2017)
Crime, victimization, and justice system responses greatly affect the life prospects of the most vulnerable Great Lakes youth, restricting their ac
Local Validation of SPEP Ratings of Juvenile Justice Program Effectiveness: A Case Study (2017)
The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP) system rates how effectively juvenile justice services reduce recidivism.
Juvenile Justice System Improvement: Implementing an Evidence-Based Decision-Making Platform (2017)
This report explains how jurisdictions have integrated the JJSIP [Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement Project] and the JJRRI [Juvenile Justice Ref
Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP) (2018)
The Standardized Program Evaluation Protocol (SPEP) is a validated, data driven rating scheme for determining how well an existing program or servi
Involvement in the Juvenile Justice System for African American Adolescents: Examining Associations with Behavioral Health Problems (2017)
While researchers have found that African American youth experience higher levels of juvenile justice involvement at every system level (arrest, se
The Discontinuity of Offending Among African American Youth in the Juvenile Justice System (2017)
Little is known about what factors contribute to African American youth desisting from offending … Researchers investigated whether youth possessed
Nearly a Quarter of Confined Juveniles Nationwide Held for Noncriminal Infractions (2018)
Horowitz, Jake, and Arna Carlock
Pew Charitable Trusts Public Safety Performance Project (Philadelphia, PA)
Mental Illness and Juvenile Offenders (2016)
Within the past decade, reliance on the juvenile justice system to meet the needs of juvenile offenders with mental health concerns has increased.
“As real as it gets”: A Grounded Theory Study of a Reading Intervention in a Juvenile Correctional School (2017)
The well-documented statistics regarding the academic struggles of incarcerated youth are disconcerting, and efforts to improve reading performance
Youth in the Juvenile Justice System And Their Mental Health Needs (2016)
Youth in Juvenile Hall are often at a critical crisis point.
Racial Disparities in Juvenile Justice Referrals to Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (2016)
This article examines the confluence of mental health needs and racial disparities within the juvenile justice system.
A National Survey of Mental Health Screening and Assessment Practices in Juvenile Correctional Facilities (2017)
Mental health screening and assessment is crucial within juvenile correctional facilities (JC).
Issue Brief: Mental Health and Juvenile Justice: A Review of Prevalence, Promising Practices, and Areas for Improvement (2017)
This brief reviews the prevalence of mental health issues among youth in the juvenile justice system, including: 1) the types of disorders among yo
The Role of Mental Health and Specific Responsivity in Juvenile Justice Rehabilitation (2017)
While mental health problems are generally not risk factors for criminal behavior according to the risk-needs-responsivity (RNR) framework of corre
Perceptions of Recidivism Among Incarcerated Youth: The Relationship Between Exposure to Childhood Trauma, Mental Health Status, and the Protective Effect of Mental Health Services in Juvenile Justice Settings (2017)
This study examines the effects of mental health screening and service delivery on perceived future criminal justice interactions— arrest and incar
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders (2018)
Many juvenile justice systems across the country are overwhelmed by the number of young people suffering from behavioral health problems—meaning me
Racial-Ethnic Fairness (2018)
Step into juvenile delinquency courts throughout the country, and you will usually find the number of children of color who appear there are far ou
Beyond Bars: Keeping Young People Safe at Home and Out of Youth Prisons (2017)
This report provides a clear blueprint for closing youth prisons and replacing them with community-based juvenile justice services.
Assessing the Impact of South Carolina’s Parole and Probation Reforms: Justice Reinvestment Initiative (2017)
In 2010, South Carolina passed the Sentencing Reform Act, enacting comprehensive criminal justice reforms.
Assessing the Impact of Georgia’s Sentencing Reforms: Justice Reinvestment Initiative (2017)
In 2012, Georgia passed comprehensive criminal justice reform legislation.
Arches Transformative Mentoring Program: An Implementation and Impact Evaluation in New York City (2018)
This report evaluates the New York City-based Arches Transformative Mentoring program, finding that participation in the program reduces one-year f
Positive Outcomes: Strategies for Assessing the Progress of Youth Involved in the Justice System (2018)
This report reviews a number of prominent frameworks that are available to help youth justice systems rely on positive outcomes rather than recidiv
Detention Alternative Programs Struggle to Help Girls Stay Safe without Incarceration (2018)
Miller, Elizabeth
New Mexico In Depth 2-26-2018
Youth Confinement: The Whole Pie (2018)
This report provides an introductory snapshot of what happens when justice-involved youth are held by the state: where they are held, under what co
Mentoring Best Practices Research: Effectiveness of Juvenile Mentoring Programs on Recidivism: Final Report (2017)
This report presents findings from a project in which researchers examined six mentoring programs in Ohio to better understand their impact on reci
The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Recidivism in a Sample of Juvenile Offenders in Community Based Treatment (2017)
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) have been identified as a key risk factor for a range of negative life outcomes, including delinquency.
Leveraging the Every Student Succeeds Act to Improve Educational Services in Juvenile Justice Facilities (2018)
The goal of this policy brief is to provide state and local policymakers as well as education and juvenile justice leaders with information about h
We Asked 123 Young People in Prison...WHY? (2018)
Titus, Jennifer
NEWS 7 Articles (Tampa, FL)
Published: 9:00 AM EST February 28, 2018