Health services
Chronic Care Clinics: Protocols and Clinic Procedures
Prison Health Care: Youthful Offenders Sentenced as Adults [Lesson Plans]
Correctional Health Care: Guidelines for the Management of an Adequate Delivery System
Understanding Managed Behavioral Health Care in Community Corrections [Videoconference Held July 17, 2002]
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, July 2002
Proceedings of the Large Jail Network Meeting, February 2004
LJN Exchange, Annual Issue 2004; Large Jail Network Exchange, Annual Issue 2004
Reduce Costs, Lower Risks, Enhance Healthcare Services: The Promise of Effective Pharmaceutical Management [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]
Opportunities for Cost Savings in Corrections Without Sacrificing Service Quality: Inmate Health Care
The Implications of the Affordable Care Act on People Involved with the Criminal Justice System
Turning to telemedicine for prisoners' mental health treatment
Indeed, it's not just prisoners being treated for mental illness who feel a stigma—it's also their providers.
BOP Health Management Resources
This page supports the objectives of the Correctional Officers Health and Safety Act of 1998, which requires that the Attorney General and the Secr
Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS)
Since its beginning Community Oriented Correctional Health Services (COCHS) has worked to bridge the gap between correctional and community provide
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
The mission of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care is to improve the quality of health care in jails, prisons and juvenile confinem
Health Care after Incarceration
Most people leaving prison have at least one chronic problem with physical health, mental health, or substance use (Mallik-Kane and Visher 2008).
Mass Incarceration Threatens Health Equity in America
Mass incarceration disproportionately impacts lower-income communities, communities of color, and persons with disabilities, creating a barrier to
Pharmaceuticals in State Prisons: How departments of corrections purchase, use, and monitor prescription drugs
In an effort to better understand the role of pharmaceuticals in the state correctional setting and budget, and in a state’s overall health care st
Jails: Inadvertent Health Care Providers
During 2015, the latest year for which data are available, there were 10.9 million admissions to these correctional facilities, which hold individu
Identifying High-Priority Needs to Reduce Mortality in Correctional Facilities
While some level of in-custody deaths are inevitable - for example, the passing of elderly inmates from old age - certain types of mortality are hi
Using Jail to Enroll Low-Income Men in Medicaid
This report describes the implementation and outcomes of a pilot study in Connecticut to enroll people who were arrested and detained pretrial into
NCCHC - Patient Safety 2023
Patient safety systems use redundancy (double checking) procedures to minimize errors and prevent adverse and near-miss clinical events.
Using Telehealth for Behavioral Health in the Criminal Justice System
This article explains how the use of telehealth - the interactive electronic exchange of information for diagnosis, treatment, support, or care man
NCCHC - Pregnancy and Postpartum Care in Correctional Settings
Approximately 6% to 10% of incarcerated women are pregnant on any given day, and it is estimated that as many as 1,400 women per year give birth wh
Hepatitis C elimination among people incarcerated in prisons: challenges and recommendations for action within a health systems framework (2021)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a global public health problem in correctional settings.
Ageing in imprisonment - Summary report
This report summarises the proceedings of the two-day meeting the ICRC organised in December 2016 on the needs of older prisoners.