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  • Policy-Driven Responses to Probation and Parole Violations

    The author describes the experiences of probation and parole agencies from across the country that worked with NIC on developing innovative approac
  • Responding to Parole and Probation Violations: A Handbook to Guide Local Policy Development

    This handbook discusses policy responses to probation and parole violations that enhance the effectiveness of supervision while also improving comm
  • Female Offenders in the Community [Videoconference Held July 18, 2001]

    This video examines the needs, strengths, weaknesses, and risks associated with female offenders. Topics discussed include:
  • Parole Violations Revisited: A Handbook on Strengthening Parole Practices for Public Safety and Successful Transition to the Community

    Presents steps that jurisdictions can take to assess their current parole violation and revocation policy and practice, identify targets of change,
  • Community Corrections Workforce Project Annotated Bibliography

    This bibliography describes 71 items that address workforce development problems faced by community corrections, probation, and parole agencies.
  • Motivating Offenders to Change: A Guide for Probation and Parole

    This publication "provides probation and parole officers and other correctional professionals with both a solid grounding in the principles behind
  • Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2007: Promising Strategies in Transition from Prison

    Issue contents are: “Foreword” by Kermit Humphries; “An Overview of NIC’s Transition from Prison to the Community Initiative” by Peggy B.
  • Rising to the Challenge of Applying Evidence-Based Practices Across the Spectrum of a State Parole System

    The use of evidence-based practices to improve discretionary parole system is explained.
  • Improving Parole Outcomes with Performance Leadership and Data: Doing What Works

    "This article describes the evolution of the Georgia Parole Board's business-oriented data and performance leadership model" (p. 35).
  • Comprehensive Framework for Paroling Authorities in an Era of Evidence-Based Practice

    A “framework that identifies the characteristics and competencies that paroling authorities must have to be effective in implementing evidence-base
  • Characteristics of Pardon Authorities (2018)

    In states where pardoning is characterized as “frequent and regular,” there is a regular pardon process with a high percentage of applications gran

  • Evaluating the Impact of Probation and Parole Home Visits (2019)

    In 2014, Abt Associates began work on a grant from the National Institute of Justice to evaluate the effectiveness of home and field contacts in co