Policy-Driven Responses to Probation and Parole Violations
Responding to Parole and Probation Violations: A Handbook to Guide Local Policy Development
Female Offenders in the Community [Videoconference Held July 18, 2001]
Parole Violations Revisited: A Handbook on Strengthening Parole Practices for Public Safety and Successful Transition to the Community
Community Corrections Workforce Project Annotated Bibliography
Motivating Offenders to Change: A Guide for Probation and Parole
Topics in Community Corrections, Annual Issue 2007: Promising Strategies in Transition from Prison
Rising to the Challenge of Applying Evidence-Based Practices Across the Spectrum of a State Parole System
Improving Parole Outcomes with Performance Leadership and Data: Doing What Works
Comprehensive Framework for Paroling Authorities in an Era of Evidence-Based Practice
Characteristics of Pardon Authorities (2018)
In states where pardoning is characterized as “frequent and regular,” there is a regular pardon process with a high percentage of applications gran
Evaluating the Impact of Probation and Parole Home Visits (2019)
In 2014, Abt Associates began work on a grant from the National Institute of Justice to evaluate the effectiveness of home and field contacts in co