Volunteer Orientation for Frequent and Regular Volunteers: Trainer's Guide
Gangs, Community and Corrections [Videoconference held June 10, 1998]
Correctional Religious Programs [Participant's Manual]
Critical Issues and Developments in Prison Classification
Correctional Health Care: Guidelines for the Management of an Adequate Delivery System
Prisoner Intake Systems: Assessing Needs and Classifying Prisoners
Summary Report: Regional Workshops
2003 Environmental Scan Update
Environmental Scan Update - 2005
Prison Staffing Analysis: A Training Manual with Staffing Considerations for Special Populations
People in Prison 2017
This report from the Vera Institute of Justice provides information collected directly from states and the federal Bureau of Prisons to estimate the number of people in prison at the end of 2017.
Gender Informed Practices in the Management of Women’s Prisons
Correctional senior level leaders face significant challenges regarding gender-informed facility operations, policy and procedure, and the developm