Policy-Driven Responses to Probation and Parole Violations
Responding to Parole and Probation Violations: A Handbook to Guide Local Policy Development
Female Offenders in the Community [Videoconference Held July 18, 2001]
The Greening of Probation
The Importance of a Low Span of Control in Effective Implementation of Evidence Based Probation and Parole Practices
The Strategic Training Initiative in Community Supervision: Risk-Need-Responsivity in the Real World
The Role of Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation in Evidence-Based “Real World” Community Supervision
The Impact of Probation and Parole Populations on Arrests in Four California Cities
Civil Liabilities and Other Legal Issues for Probation/Parole Officers and Supervisors: 4th Edition
Promising Victim Related Practices in Probation and Parole Fact Sheet Series
Statewide Risk Assessment in Juvenile Probation (2014)
This is the first thorough systematic scan of the U.S.
Formal, Post-Adjudication Juvenile Probation Services (2017)
Juvenile probation is the supervision and monitoring of justice-involved youth in the community, rather than placement out of the home … The focus
Evaluating the Impact of Probation and Parole Home Visits (2019)
In 2014, Abt Associates began work on a grant from the National Institute of Justice to evaluate the effectiveness of home and field contacts in co
Research in Brief Use of Structured Sanctions and Incentives in Probation and Parole Supervision
Four studies of medium and high research quality have examined the use of sanctions grids by parole and probation departments; however, only two ex
Low Risk Offenders Under Probation Supervision: Risk Management and the Risk-Needs-Responsivity Framework (2018)
Community supervision agencies commonly use resource allocation models to identify the amount of monitoring and treatment to provide individuals un
Abstract: The use of drug testing is pervasive in community supervision requiring probationers to regularly submit to urine drug testing.