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The National Institute of Corrections is currently assessing its website and materials in accordance with recent Executive Orders and related guidance. During this review, some of NIC’s webpages and publications may be temporarily unavailable. Please revisit this web page for updates.


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  • Statewide Risk Assessment in Juvenile Probation (2014)

    This is the first thorough systematic scan of the U.S.

  • Formal, Post-Adjudication Juvenile Probation Services (2017)

    Juvenile probation is the supervision and monitoring of justice-involved youth in the community, rather than placement out of the home … The focus

  • Evaluating the Impact of Probation and Parole Home Visits (2019)

    In 2014, Abt Associates began work on a grant from the National Institute of Justice to evaluate the effectiveness of home and field contacts in co

  • Research in Brief Use of Structured Sanctions and Incentives in Probation and Parole Supervision

    Four studies of medium and high research quality have examined the use of sanctions grids by parole and probation departments; however, only two ex

  • Low Risk Offenders Under Probation Supervision: Risk Management and the Risk-Needs-Responsivity Framework (2018)

    Community supervision agencies commonly use resource allocation models to identify the amount of monitoring and treatment to provide individuals un


    Abstract: The use of drug testing is pervasive in community supervision requiring probationers to regularly submit to urine drug testing.