Systemic Criminal Justice Planning: Improving Responses to Women Offenders in Hamilton County, Ohio
The use of systemic criminal justice planning by Hamilton County (OH) to improve services and programming for women offenders is reviewed.
State-Local Partnership in Ohio Cuts Juvenile Recidivism, Costs
This article describes a innovative partnership between local and state agencies that can be used by other states to reduce costs associated with j
The Impact of Family Visitation on Incarcerated Youth's Behavior and School Performance: Findings from the Families as Partners Project
The relationships between family visitation and an incarcerated youth's behavior and performance in school are examined.
Getting It Right: Realigning Juvenile Corrections in Ohio to Reinvest in What Works
"Ohio is at the forefront of national juvenile justice reform and realignment efforts and serves as a model for other states looking to “rightsize”
The Effect of Solitary Confinement on Institutional Misconduct: A Longitudinal Evaluation
This dissertation examines whether solitary confinement and time spent in solitary confinement impacts institutional conduct upon release from soli
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