This report is part of a series of annual comparative data reports presented to the Fiscal Affairs and Government Operations Committee of the Southern Legislative Conference (SLC). The information contained in this report is organized into ten sections, namely: Inmate Population Trends and Incarceration Rates; Prison and Jail Capacities, Budgetary Issues; Staffing Patterns and Select Inmate Characteristics; Projected Costs of New Prisons; Probation and Parole; Rehabilitation; Prison Industries; Privatization; and State Profiles. Each section of the report includes a summary of key findings, statistical tables and figures based on survey research involving each member state in the SLC. The fifteen states that make up the SLC are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.
Adult Correctional Systems - A Report Submitted to the Fiscal Affairs and Government Operations Committee (2017)
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