The Multnomah County Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC) was established by Senate Bill 1145 (1995) to coordinate local criminal justice policy among affected criminal justice entities.
To carry out this mission, LPSCC's Executive Committee, co-chaired by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury, holds monthly meetings to encourage the active participation of countywide leadership, to foster close collaboration in the development and operation of public safety operations and policies and to promote coordinated, data-driven public safety operations and policies.
The Executive Committee also directs the work of several subcommittees, working groups, and affiliated committees that focus on key issues within the public safety system.
LPSCC holds an annual What Works in Public Safety conference to bring together state and regional policy makers to provide them with information on best practices to guide their decision making.
This website makes available many of the reports, plans, and documents produced by or distributed to LPSCC members. These include annual reports, reports by subcommittees to the Executive Committee, and reports from outside agencies to the Executive committee.