4.5 million people in this country are considered to be on some form of supervision from parole after prison to probation supervision in local communities. Critics of common probation supervision programs tell us that there are more people on probation in this country than the population of Kentucky. Perhaps then, instead of all-or-nothing probation alternatives, we consider an innovative and promising probation supervision program called Dosage Probation. Dosage probation puts the onus for changing criminal behavior on the offender rather than the probation agent tracking down the offender to determine whether he/she is following directives. Essentially, dosage posits to the offender how long they wish to be on probation supervision. If the offender is motivated to change then they are given the opportunity to prove it by completing cognitive skills lessons, therapy, chemical dependency treatment, anger management or other criminogenic factors that are identified through risk assessment.
See pages 14-15.