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The Impact of an Aging Inmate Population on the Federal Bureau of Prisons (2016)

"From fiscal year (FY) 2009 to FY 2013, the BOP experienced a shift in the age demographic of its inmate population. During those 5 years, the number of inmates age 50 and older in BOP-managed institutions was the fastest growing segment of the BOP population, increasing by 25 percent, from 24,857 to 30,962. During the same period, the population of inmates 49 and younger decreased approximately 1 percent, including an even larger decrease of 16 percent in the youngest inmates age 29 and younger.

The OIG assessed the impact of an aging inmate population on the BOP’s inmate management, including costs, health services, staffing, housing, and programming, between FY 2009 and FY 2013. In this background section, we define the BOP’s aging inmate population and discuss the demographics and trends of this population. In addition, we outline the new compassionate release provisions related to aging inmates. Finally, we discuss the similar challenges faced by state correctional systems and the different methods they use to address the growing aging inmate population."