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What are criminal thinking errors?

According to Don Andrews and James Bonta (The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, 2010), the following are risk factors contributing to an individual's criminal conduct.

Major Factors:

  1. Antisocial/pro-criminal attitudes and values.
  2. Pro-criminal associates and isolation from others who are anti-criminal.
  3. Temperamental and personality factors, including pyschopathy, impulsivity, and other cognitive deficits.
  4. History of antisocial behavior.
  5. Familial factors that include criminality, family psychological and dysfunctional patterns.
  6. Low levels of personal education, vocational, or financial achievement and unstable employment.

Minor Factors

  1. Lower-class origins (assessed by neighborhood conditions and parental achievements).
  2. Personal distress (strain, alienation, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, etc.).
  3. Other combinations of biological/neuropsychological indicators.

Pathological personality traits and criminogenic thinking styles

Zeigler-Hill, Virgil, Jon T. Mandracchia, Eric R. Dahlen, Rachel Shango, and Jennifer K. Vrabel, 2017

Construct and Predictive Validity of Criminal Thinking Scales 

Taxman, Faye S., Anne Giuranna Rhodes, and Levent Dumenci, 2011