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Advisory Board
Click to read the mandate that established NIC's Advisory Board
§4351. Establishment; Advisory Board; appointment of members; compensation; officers; committees; delegation of powers; Director, appointment and powers
- There is hereby established within the Bureau of Prisons a National Institute of Corrections.
- The overall policy and operations of the National Institute of Corrections shall be under the supervision of an Advisory Board. The Board shall consist of sixteen members. The following six individuals shall serve as members of the Commission ex officio: the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons or his designee, the Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance or his designee, Chairman of the United States Sentencing Commission or his designee, the Director of the Federal Judicial Center or his designee, the Associate Administrator for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 2 or his designee, and the Assistant Secretary for Human Development of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare or his designee.
- The remaining ten members of the Board shall be selected as follows:
- Five shall be appointed initially by the Attorney General of the United States for staggered terms; one member shall serve for one year, one member for two years, and three members for three years. Upon the expiration of each member's term, the Attorney General shall appoint successors who will each serve for a term of three years. Each member selected shall be qualified as a practitioner (Federal, State, or local) in the field of corrections, probation, or parole.
- Five shall be appointed initially by the Attorney General of the United States for staggered terms, one member shall serve for one year, three members for two years, and one member for three years. Upon the expiration of each member's term the Attorney General shall appoint successors who will each serve for a term of three years. Each member selected shall be from the private sector, such as business, labor, and education, having demonstrated an active interest in corrections, probation, or parole.
- The members of the Board shall not, by reason of such membership, be deemed officers or employees of the United States. Members of the Commission who are full-time officers or employees of the United States shall serve without additional compensation, but shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in the performance of the duties vested in the Board. Other members of the Board shall, while attending meetings of the Board or while engaged in duties related to such meetings or in other activities of the Commission pursuant to this title, be entitled to receive compensation at the rate not to exceed the daily equivalent of the rate authorized for GS–18 by section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, including travel time, and while away from their homes or regular places of business may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence equal to that authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for persons in the Government service employed intermittently.
- The Board shall elect a chairman from among its members who shall serve for a term of one year. The members of the Board shall also elect one or more members as a vice-chairman.
- The Board is authorized to appoint, without regard to the civil service laws, technical, or other advisory committees to advise the Institute with respect to the administration of this title as it deems appropriate. Members of these committees not otherwise employed by the United States, while engaged in advising the Institute or attending meetings of the committees, shall be entitled to receive compensation at the rate fixed by the Board but not to exceed the daily equivalent of the rate authorized for GS–18 by section 5332 of title 5, United States Code, and while away from their homes or regular places of business may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence equal to that authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for persons in the Government service employed intermittently.
- The Board is authorized to delegate its powers under this title to such persons as it deems appropriate.
- The Institute shall be under the supervision of an officer to be known as the Director, who shall be appointed by the Attorney General after consultation with the Board. The Director shall have authority to supervise the organization, employees, enrollees, financial affairs, and all other operations of the Institute and may employ such staff, faculty, and administrative personnel, subject to the civil service and classification laws, as are necessary to the functioning of the Institute. The Director shall have the power to acquire and hold real and personal property for the Institute and may receive gifts, donations, and trusts on behalf of the Institute. The Director shall also have the power to appoint such technical or other advisory councils comprised of consultants to guide and advise the Board. The Director is authorized to delegate his powers under this title to such persons as he deems appropriate.
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Gabriel Morgan
Newport News (VA) Sheriff's OfficeBarbara Broderick
Vice Chair
Maricopa County Adult Probation (Retired)John Baldwin
Private Sector
Illinois Department of Corrections (Retired)Annette Chambers-Smith
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and CorrectionKathy Hawk-Sawyer
Private Sector
Federal Bureau of Prisons (Retired)Todd Ishee
North Carolina Department of Adult Corrections (Retired)Teresa May
Harris County, Texas Community Supervision and Corrections DepartmentCheryl Strange
Washington State Department of Corrections (Retired)Pat Tuthill
Private Sector
Peyton Tuthill FoundationReginald Wilkinson
Private Sector
Ohio College Access Network
Kellie Blue
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionJerome Galang
Federal Judicial CenterLynn Johnson
U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesWilliam W. Lothrop
Federal Bureau of PrisonsClaire Murray
United States Sentencing CommissionRuby Qazilbash
Bureau of Justice Assistance
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