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Reflections on New National Data on LGBT/GNCT Youth in the Justice System (2017)

The purpose of this paper is to report new national data on the over-representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, gender nonconforming, and transgender youth in the juvenile justice system and to provide recommendations for key justice stakeholders on how to best serve these youths (p. 27). The report abbreviates lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning, gender non-conforming and transgender as LGBTQ/GNCT.

Entitled to Treatment: Medical Care for Transgender Adolescents in the Juvenile Justice System (2016)

Transgender individuals are those whose “gender identity” - their personal sense of being male or female - does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. Some transgender people describe this as feeling as if they have been born into the “wrong body” … Juvenile justice professionals need to know that the failure to provide proper treatment for this condition not only can cause serious health problems for transgender children, it can lead to legal liability for detention facilities (p. 1).

The Overrepresentation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Questioning, Gender Nonconforming and Transgender Youth Within the Child Welfare to Juvenile Justice Crossover Population (2016)

This study surveyed youth in seven juvenile detention facilities. Results show that lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning (LGBQ) or gender nonconforming and transgender (GNCT) youth in the juvenile justice system are at least three times more likely to have been removed from their home than straight and gender conforming youth and at least five times more likely to be placed in a group or foster home compared with straight and gender conforming youth (p. 245).

BJS Juveniles

This website provides access to all reports released by the BJS related to juveniles involved in the justice system.

Juvenile Facility Standards: United States Department of Justice Final Rule: National Standards to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Prison Rape Under the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

This Standard is divided into these sections: Prevention Planning, Responsive Planning, Training and Education, Screening for Risk of Sexual Victimization and Abusiveness, Reporting, Official Response Following a Resident Report, Investigations, Discipline, Medical and Mental Care, Data Collection and Review, Audits, Auditing and Corrective Action, and State Compliance. [28 C.F.R. Part 115].

Juvenile Standards Documentation Requirements

This document is meant to assist agencies and facilities in their PREA compliance efforts. The standards listed below are examples of juvenile PREA standards that explicitly require documentation of agency or facility activities through policy or other forms of documentation; agencies and facilities may find it beneficial to also document activities that are not listed below to demonstrate compliance (p. 1).

Easy Access to Juvenile Populations (EZAPOP)

EZAPOP provides access to National, State, and County level population data detailed by age, sex, race, and ethnicity. Users can create detailed population profiles for a single jurisdiction or create State Comparison or County Comparison tables.

Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics (EZAJCS)

EZAJCS was developed to facilitate independent analysis of national estimates of delinquency cases processed by the nation's juvenile courts. With this application, users can perform unique analyses on the age, sex, and race of juveniles involved in these cases as well as the referral offense, the use of detention, adjudication and case disposition. Users can also view pre-formatted tables describing the demographic characteristics of youth involved in the juvenile justice system and how juvenile courts process these cases.

Key Fact: Youth in the Justice System (2016)

Statistics are organized according to: youth crime; youth in the juvenile justice system--(juvenile court system, referral, and adjudication; juvenile detention and corrections; youth in the adult criminal justice system--transfer, and adolescent brain development; housing youth in adult jails and prisons--jails, prisons, safety issues, sexual assault, and mental health; racial and ethnic disparities--African-American youth, Latino youth, and Native youth; family involvement; and cost-effective alternatives.

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